
What if you could easily revisit some of your favorite moments, document the memories behind them, or give someone special a gift they’ll never forget...all through the magic of a charming, custom-designed book?
And, what if you could make that happen without the time and stress of doing it yourself? Where your photos are thoughtfully curated and designed into a story that recaptures your memories while you are out making new ones?
Welcome to Let the Memories Begin Again...
where my purpose and passion is to help you rediscover your most cherished photos and memories, and prevent them from simply becoming "relics of life's moments" stuck in closets, attics, and "the cloud" leaving the details and stories behind them to fade away.
Let's work together to revive your favorite memories
into custom-designed photo books, memorable gifts, and more!
it’s time to... Let the Memories Begin Again

meet stacey
"I believe that there are things in life that each of us
are innately interested in and/or gifted at
and we can't explain why."
Some people are lucky enough to be able to recognize
and tune into these talents early in life and
follow those instincts.
But for others, like me, the path is more like the
winding brick road to the Land of Oz... full of hopes,
fears, adventures, and a few missteps, eventually
leading not to some mythical destination, but rather to
one that we've had within us all along and just need to {re}claim.
My Journey via The "Scenic Route"
Intuitively I've always been a "Curator of Moments and Memories". It just took me a while to claim it as that.
And the work that I have the privilege and pleasure of doing now is, without a doubt, the culmination of my interests, skills and the topics I'm deeply passionate about... photos, photography, and memory-keeping.
Beginning in elementary school, I started saving bits and pieces of memorabilia like school certificates, special cards, vacation trinkets, pins from skating, and ribbons from high school-
just to name a few. I kept them in a traditional-style scrapbook with manilla-colored pages that eventually bowed from being so overstuffed!

I have also always LOVED taking photographs! I'm pretty sure I got that from my maternal grandparents who were both avid amateur photographers. I was also the subject of many of their photos as the first-born grandchild. But, I quickly learned that I prefer being BEHIND
the lens instead of in front of it.

My Grandma (far left) and friends on an adventure.
Pretty sure my Grandpa was taking the photo.

Me around two years old
From Education to Employee

In high school I took a photography 101 class where we learned
about black and white film and dark room developing. But at the same time, I was also trying to figure out the answer to the inevitable question every student faces "What do you want to do when you grow up/graduate?"
I'd always dreamed of being an artist or designer of some kind...
a Fashion Designer, a Cartoonist or an Animator (yes, I had a love of Disney even back then). That led me to a two-year commercial art program in high school. From there, I started college in a competitive art program at Virginia Commonwealth University with my sights set on becoming a Commercial Artist (Graphic Design nowadays).
However, after only a semester I realized that maybe art, and drawing in particular, wasn’t my path (this was before design software). So I transferred to Old Dominion University and struggled to find a new major eventually settling on secondary education (training specialist) with a minor in marketing.
For five years post-graduation, I worked for a few companies and non-profit organizations
gaining experience in sales, marketing, corporate training, speaking and presentation, career development, and program management.
Two Kids, Lots of Transitions and Tons of Memories
When my children were born, I transitioned into part-time work then full-time family management along with volunteer work, two independent contractors positions, and completing a certificate in event design through Duke University's Continuing Studies program.
However one thing that hasn't ever changed throughout the years, is that I've, instinctively, continued to carry a camera, take photos, and collect and organize all the memories and "stuff".
As a doting parent, that only grew in intensity as I wanted to capture all the fleeting
moments and memories of childhood. At the time, my kids were less than thrilled with always being my subject, and when I'd show up at school, camera in hand, they'd groan to their friends. But, now that they are "grown and flown", they appreciate the photos and enjoy being able to reminisce about their childhoods.

Wedding Day!! My son, daughter-in-law and daughter, January 2022 photos by: Rose Trail Images
Embracing and Welcoming A "New Normal"
Once I became an "empty-nester", I focused on rediscovering and reigniting some of my own interests and passions. I'd always wanted to learn about photography, beyond the "point-and-shoot" method, so, I bought a DSLR camera. Then I enrolled in digital photography classes at the community college and also started learning photo editing software.
During this time, I also came across information about The Photo Managers, a fast-growing organization serving the emerging industry of professional photo management. I researched and followed the group for a while, joining as a member in late Fall 2019. In 2020, during the height of the pandemic, I "attended" their first annual virtual conference, took a few online courses, and received my Certified Pro status. Through this organization, I am able to connect with brilliant colleagues from around the world, continue learning, and keep updated on the ever-changing world of technology and best practices for photo/digital asset management.

I have always appreciated and valued the power and magic that images hold!
As much as I enjoy capturing and curating memories, I also love, love, love looking through a collection of photos and hearing all the stories about them. And since you are still reading this far down the page, I'm pretty sure you do too!
This is why documenting matters and why I encourage everyone to
print, share, and preserve their memories.
Whether they are framed, in custom photo books, or crafted into one-of-a-kind gifts, helping you keep your cherished moments from fading away is what drives and inspires me.
I can't wait to design a truly meaningful and magical keepsake for you!
What We Keep... Like Bread Crumbs on the Path
One last thing I'd like to share with you... remember what I wrote earlier about innate interests? Well, oftentimes our past, and childhood in particular, can hold clues about these things. While I was already aware that photos, photography and memory-keeping are long-held interests and passions of mine, I only recently discovered just how much more that I even realized!
I was sorting through a box of memorabilia and I noticed a few pieces of "evidence" from my past that I hadn't connected together before:

When I was twelve years old, I wrote a personification paper about the adventures of being a camera.
On my sixth grade report card, I found a teacher's note complimenting the job I'd done on a scrapbook project.
I was only in Girl Scouts for about a year, but I earned and proudly displayed three merit badges on my sash - one of which was for photography.
In a strange twist of fate, I was recently reminded that I'd also created a scrapbook, similar to the one pictured above, for my "first love"... when I was just fifteen!!
Crazy? Maybe, but seeing how these all tie so closely together seems to validate my belief that we instinctively know what interests and fascinates us!
fun facts about stacey

Disney & Pixar movies are my all-time favorites but never turn down a good rom-com or comedy either

I love coffee at any time of day, bear hugs, a good laugh & smiley (and smiling) faces

I was a competitive artistic roller skater for 6 years, and still love to skate when I get the chance

“Be positive” is literally a part of my DNA… my blood type is B+

I don't have one single favorite food or dish. I love Italian, Mexican, Asian, Thai, Indian and Mediterranean. But, I do have a favorite sushi restaurant. And not only is their sushi delicious, but their Tom Kha soup is THE best! Local? Message me for the deets!

My Disney character “alter-ego” is definitely Tinker Bell,
but Joy (from Inside Out) runs a close second.